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Rubio Cañon

Land & Water Association

Board of Directors

Dr. Janet Fahey – Board President

Dr. Janet Fahey has been a RCLWA Board member since 1988 and has served as Board President since 2000. For the past 32 years, she also has been a consulting environmental scientist /engineer at MWH with a focus in water supply and water quality in southern California. Janet is a native Californian and 30-year resident of Altadena. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Zoology, a Master of Arts degree in Biology, and a Doctorate in Environmental Science and Engineering from UCLA, and is a registered Professional Civil Engineer in California and Arizona. Janet also served for 15 years on the Los Angeles County Regional Planning's Significant Ecological Areas Technical Advisory Committee.

James W. Graunke – Vice-President

James Graunke has been a RCLWA Board member since 1995. Professionally, James has been involved in the management of not-for-profit Retirement Communities including serving as the Executive Director/CEO of The Scripps Home in Altadena for over thirty years.  James' is currently the CEO of Solheim Lutheran Home in Los Angeles (Eagle Rock).  James recently served as the Chairman of the Board of Leading Age of California (formerly known as Aging Services of California), an Association of over 400 not-for-profit organizations serving California seniors.  James has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Arizona.  James has lived and worked in Altadena and Pasadena since 1977 and has contributed his knowledge and service to many community organizations including, past President of the Rotary Club of Pasadena, past President of the Altadena Chamber of Commerce and Civic Association, past Board member of the Sycamores, Altadena Meals on Wheels, American Red Cross Pasadena Chapter, and the Los Angeles Doctor's Symphony Orchestra.

John Vrsalovich – Secretary-Treasurer

John Vrsalovich has been a RCLWA Board member since 2006 and oversees construction contract development and administration for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Born and raised in Southern California, John received a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from California State University Long Beach, and a Master of Science degree in civil engineering from UCLA. He is a registered professional civil engineer in California and resides in Altadena with his wife and four children.

Wallace Weaver – Board Director

Wally has been a RCLWA Board member over 10 years and an Altadena resident for over 50 years. Wally is an integral part of Rubio and previously served as Field Superintendent for over 14 years. Wally is currently retired and continues to assist Rubio with special projects as needed.

Jay T. Mohr – Board Director

Jay Mohr has been a RCLWA Board member since January 2012. He is currently the Telecommunications Team Manager at Metropolitan Water District in charge of Voice, Data, Video and Wireless communications over Metropolitan's 5500 sq mile coverage area. Jay also has extensive project management experience working with IT, Engineering and Water Systems Operations on capital improvement projects. Jay has resided in Altadena for the past 20 years along with his wife and two children. Jay has a B.S. degree in Geophysics. He enjoys hiking and biking in the foothills above Altadena.

Rubio Cañon Land & Water Association

583 East Sacramento St., Altadena, CA 91001

Rubio Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM - 12 Noon &
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Closed on Fridays

Mailing Address

PO Box 398
Altadena, CA 91003
PH: 626.797.0509
FAX: 626.797.0520

24 Hour Payment Drop Box Available